International 'Tony Farsky' Cartoon / Poster Competition 2017
Karl Marx - bi-centenary of his birth

The competition is open to artists and cartoonists from all nations
There will be a first prize of £ 500, a second prize of £ 300 and a third prize of £ 200 to be awarded to the artists whose work best expresses the ideas of Karl Marx for our time. The judges' decision will be final. The jury will be looking for clarity of message, artistic skill as well as humour. Entrants should be clear that the aim of this competition is to commemorate the great contribution made by Marx and his ideas to our culture and thinking
Artwork should be submitted electronically (i.e. email attachment) in A4 format (high resolution - at least 300 dpi)
Artwork with text and / or captions not in English should (if possible) be accompanied by a translation
Each entry must be accompanied by an address and contact details
Entries to reach the organisers by October 1st 2017
The results of the competition will be announced towards the end of 2017
It is intended that the artwork of the winner will be reproduced on T-shirts, posters and cards. The artist will be duly credited on all such reproductions
The organisers retain the right to publish or exhibit any of the artworks submitted, but undertake to give due credit in all cases to the artists and ensure they receive any royalties / payments that may accrue as a result
The best of the works submitted will be displayed on our website at: for a period of 12 months and later will become part of the page's competition archive, accessible to visitors
Artists submitting art work will automatically agree to abide by the above rules
Sponsored by the Ken Sprague Fund together with the Marx Memorial Library and the Morning Star newspaper

Address to send submissions: Ken Sprague Fund Cartoon Competition, 11 Dorset Road, Ealing, London W5 4HU, United Kingdom.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.