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9th.Edition International Caricature Festival, Ferizaj/Kosovo,2023
Competition for the acceptance of works in the cartoon field.
This year, the city of Ferizaj celebrates its 150th anniversary (1873-2023)
The city of Ferizaj was born together with the railway. The inn of Feriz Shashivar was the first building, which the city was named after (Feriz - Ferizaj). At that time, the railway brought rapid socio-economic development, where merchants from different countries and nationalities came and started their business, raising Ferizaj to a city, without being a village before. This feature has not been recognized before, not only in Kosovo but also more widely.
Topic 1: Railway as social and economic development, connection between people and war, urbanism and nature.
Topic 2: Free topic
1. Golden HiTHi (plaque and 300 €).
2. Silver HITHI (plaque and 200 €).
3. Bronze HITHI (plaque and 100 €).
(These three prizes are only given for Topic 1).
- Also, 5 special prizes/certificates. The jury decides for the prizes (1.2.3 and 5 special prizes).
- From this year, HITHI Kosova Cartoon also - gives the "Therre Murrizi" award as a sign of respect for the work of the doyen of Kosovar cartoons, Ramadan Zaplluzha. - The winner of the "Therre Murrizi" medal is selected by the HITHI Kosova Cartoon Association!
- Each applicant can send up to 5 works (per
each topic), in black and white or in color. - Size 210x297 mm, min. resolution 300 dpi, and JPG format.
- Send to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. subject: Name, Surname, Country and topic.
The deadline for submission of works: 22 May until to 30 June 2023.


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