The town council of Tolentino is proposing and organizing the 29th International Biennial of Art Humor contest dedicated to satire.

The competition is divided into two sections:

"City of Tolentino International Prize" dedicated to satire on "Honesty! Honesty!"

"Honesty! Honest! "Password recited order, repeated and shouted.

"Honesty! Honest! "Metaphor of an honest world, clean and anthropologically higher than dirty and disgusting to everybody else.

"Honesty! Honest! "Moralists in the corridors of power and not statesmen.

"Honesty! Honest! "Political strategy, vision of society, idea of ​​the world, the sense of being in politics.

"Honesty! Honest! "Declaration of War to modernity and development in the name of moral diversity and cultural supremacy.

"Honesty! Honest! "Pre-political condition, which is not affected by the expertise and ability to be a good administrator.

"Honesty! Honest! "Political debate reduced examination of criminal certificates.

"Honesty! Honest! "Serious and complicated problem more than it does to think this slogan.

The Biennale 2017 is uncertain on this word politically disruptive and culturally hegemonic order. It does this through the humor, alternative point of view, exterior and detached, which complicates things.

The humor is irreverent and "disengaged" definition: provides for a suspension of the practical and ideological reasons.

The "engagé" comedy, one that wants to convince us of any truth, not funny.

Laughing means "anesthetize the heart", detach itself from external pressures, ignore the consequences, to get away from the hassles.

The theme of 2017 we should force them to reflect critically on moralism and hypocrisy of society, through humor that "no use", which is without aim or purpose, and that, therefore, can play with the stereotypes of contemporary world.


"Premio Luigi Mari" dedicated to the caricature of famous people.

- a selection of works by a qualified jury, which will be presented in the 29th International Biennial of Humor in Art, exhibition event to be held in Tolentino from 25 November 2017 to 28 January 2018;

- an evening / the prize-giving event;

- the publication of a catalog of the works selected for the exhibition that will be given in tribute to the authors.


The competition contemporary artists of all nationalities, with no age limit, with a maximum of three works for each section, new and original, size and free technique, in any visual art form and each type of material support: painting, graphics, sculpture and installation, photography, video.


The deadline for admission in the competition of the works is fixed AL18 September 2017. By that date all the works should be sent to:

Secretary of the "29th International Biennial of Art Humor" - Sangallo Palace, Liberty Square, 18-62029 Tolentino (Italy)

Each author must imperatively enclose the entry form, filled in every part and duly signed. Each work must be accompanied OF THE SPECIAL firmatain original and cutting. The digital works must be submitted on CD / DVD or sent via email, in jpg format in high resolution, at the following email address:

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The works must be sent carriage. L and works will only be accepted if they have no tax, customs fees or any other fees charged to the municipality.



The admission of the works, their selection for exhibition and the prizes are the sole responsibility of the Jury appointed by the Municipality of Tolentino in concert with the Artistic Director. The jury's decisions are final.


The jury will award the following prizes:

"City of Tolentino International Prize" dedicated to satire on "Honesty! Honesty!"

1st Prize - winner of the Biennale € 2.500,00. In case of a tie the prize money awarded will be divided among the winners.

2nd Prize - € 1.000,00.

3rd Prize - € 500.00.

"Luigi Mari" Award Dedicated to the art of caricature, when the humorous or satirical drawings is an illustrious personage

1st prize - € 2.000,00.

Audience Award - E 'a special recognition to be assigned to a work, among those on display, that obtains the highest approval of the public, based on the preferences expressed by visitors of the exhibition.

Other special prizes may be awarded by the jury.


The winning works will not be returned. They remain the property of the Common