Opened The Exhibition Of The Center Of Satirical Graphics In Romania,2022
     On Monday, September 12, 2022, in the foyer of the Vaslui "Constantin Tănase" House of Culture, the vernissages of personal exhibitions of satirical graphics took place: "Politikum" (made by Marian Avramescu), "Great playwrights of the world" (author Gabriel Rusu), " The humor of reason gives birth to smiles" (made by Ovidiu Ambrozie Bortă - BoA) and "Bășcălie în pandemie" (signed by Cristi Vecerdea - CRIV).
     The exhibitions, which are part of the program of the "Constantin Tănase" Humor Festival - the 17th edition, brought among those present the thrill of laughter through the plasticity of the satirical graphics made by the great Romanian caricature artists.
     The message of CRIV's works lowers foreheads and unleashes positive energies, amuses, but also draws attention through a direct target of people's relationships in society or towards society. Cartoon characters exploit social morals.