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To contact the Cartoon Museum

call  +41-3284 30 94

and President phone  number (+98) 914 313 34 70

Address: Tabriz Cartoonists Association ,Azerbaijan Cartoon Museum, Former Tabriz Estate Library, Opposite of Vahdat Art School, Golestan Garden, Tabriz ,Iran

More than100 years ago, on the 7th  of April in 1907,a satirical review was published in Azerbaijan that it moved everyone in the East. Looking at the closed space filled with superstition , ignorance and dictatorship of that time ,we understand the effective influence of this publication and its cartoons on awakening  and movement of the masses. In the influence of these events, some revolutions occurred in this area , among them ,we can point to the constitutional revolution in Tabriz city and then in the whole of  Iran and the young Turkish in Turkey. By these revolutions , people became owner of vote and dictatorship were surrendered .The cartoons of this review that were published in Iran and Azerbaijan ,were very clear, intelligible and pretty.

We call this day, the day of cartoon and cartoonists in respect of the cartoonists who were excluded and pursued but they did their mission properly. Since 2005,every year, in some countries and cities ,the cartoonists have been holding ceremony in this day .I hope ,it become more and widely known.

By this way, we remind the importance of cartoon to community , for sake of this day, we gather together and draw cartoon for a free and full of peace world .


Tabriz Cartoonists Association was founded in 2001.

The Association was formed of several groups that already  was active in the art and a bit earlier in the Jovalduz comic magazine.

The Association is the only official Cartoon forum in Iran which is also representative  of  FECO.

The current place of activities of Association is Tabriz Cartoon Museum.

This Association continues  its activities with publication of the journal " karikareh " _manage the Cartoon Museum _holding International Cartoon Contest _publishing the book   and holding workshop.

Address: Tabriz Cartoonists Association ,Azerbaijan Cartoon Museum, Former Tabriz Estate Library, Opposite of Vahdat Art School, Golestan Garden, Tabriz ,Iran

The first examples of cartoons in Azerbaijan should be searched inStone Pictures, Statues and Columns. There are all cartoon features in the works that they seem more than 4000 years old. The exaggerated sculpture "shahr Yyry" in Meshkin city are the samples knowingly exaggerated cartoons which was created four thousand years ago and are the oldest examples cartoon in the world. The earthen wares and bowls with specific theme and cartoon exaggerated can be found in the Museum of Azerbaijan.but the age of formal cartoon history is the age of publication and entrance of printers in Azerbaijan.Because of becoming the gate of West to East ; like all arenas such as the school ,newspaper,Preschool ,cinema ,theater ...and the Cartoon, Tabriz is considered the first in Iran.The leaflets were printed often with gelatin print and used the cartoons in the political and social aims.The leaflets were distributed at night so their publishing place and their publishersare not clearly. But maybe we can say Mollanasreddin was one of the first publications that the Cartoon was seriously publishedin it. At first Mollanazsreddin was published in Teflis,after in Baku and then it came to Iran and was published in Tabriz. Jalil Mohammad Golizadeh "an intellectual and freeman who was publishing this publication" with the helps of cartoonists such as Behzad, Azimzadeh, Rooter, Shemerling, Moosa zadeh and Mohammad zadeh were generalizing cartoon.Next, some publications such as  "Azerbaijan"," Hasharatol arz " and several other publications benefited from  cartoons in Tabriz.They were drawing cartoons against Qajar tyrant governors, health status, superstition, colonialism ,discriminatory family relation ships. So they were of ten attacked. After the suppression ofConstitution, cartoon was weakened in Tabriz and except some publications which they used cartoon as illustration, there wasn't any important happening in the area of cartoon until to revolution. After the revolution, the revolutionary students of different political parties and groups, used cartoons as a tool to humiliate and ridicule and suppression of opponents. Therefore cartoon was damaged and publications were stopped.In the late sixties; once again, Tabriz's Cartoon began to work in some groups such as Tarkhoon, Cactus, Gunash, Sizdah, Kirpi, etc. And it reorganized itself that the product of this effort was Tabriz Cartoonist Association in 2002.Simultaneous with establishment the first and only cartoon registered and formal organization in Iran; publication, website and the competitions were started widespread activity.FECO Iran was established and people welcomedcartoons.It isn't exaggerate if we say Tabriz cartoon has started its golden years and all important activities of young cartoonists promise a fruitful future for the art in Tabriz.


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