Part two. Itinerary: weed which has not been realized
In the evening when we were getting back to Skishahr, they showed me two mosques and water tombs which were copies of tiling in Kaboodmosque and then Mehmet with a clear joke said that maybe Tabriz has copied from here and I in a way that he would not understand became serious and talked about the archaism of Ilkhanan that how Kabood mosque was built 320 years before. .. Mehmet got serious and said that he was joking ... then we both laughed in the rain while the darkness was passing through the cobblestone downhill streets of Boorsa and dogs were sleeping in a safer place, it seemed that all the sorrows in the world were gathered in their hearts.
Ahmet Aykant was so patient; he did not even blow a horn for an old man who was passing the street like a turtle. He stopped the car till the old man passed. He said that "he will have stroke if I blow the horn and it was because of his age" and I thought that he was seeking for peace again.
It was how we got to Skishahr from Boorsa and I slept in the hotel of university in OdunPazar which was built in a historic and traditional form and was decorated with the objects usually found in museums.Their staffs were so kind; when they saw me working with the internet in the restaurant, they took me some tea ...
Second day.
It was supposed that the Professor take me up in the morning, and how well I had arranged my equipment and how well the time assisted me to hang my cloth, cover some of the things with plastic, use newspaper as tablecloth, divide the books, take a shower, be a little green and then in silence and peace became familiar with the only person in the restaurant who had come from Spain for the next day's conference.
As soon as I entered the TRT studio of Turkish state channel I was shocked. About 40 to 50 people were there, it seemed that they had gathered to find out what interesting event was going to happen. The studio was so pleasant for me. The group was so fresh and happy; two groups of students were sitting on the two sides of the table waiting for me to teach them the colors. Ten color techniques which I had to finish teaching each of them in twenty minutes.
In fact in the middle of the program I told people that men can not focus on two tasks and at that time I had to speak Istanbul Turkish all the time so that there would be no silence in the program, at the same time I had to work , and observe the students and also consider the time which they showed it every minute ... the studio was decorated the way I wanted, one camera on top of the table, a small camera beside me and the other cameras and a square table and ...
Speaking modestly, thank god without even one cut during the 20 minutes and on the exact time I finished the program, and just like the previous session, the producers and director were so excited and expressed their happiness constantly.
Then we went for lunch, Ozan the animation student with a light beard and a reddish face accompanied us. Ozanwas the symbol of politeness and calmness and had helped us a lot with equipment preparation and coordination the previous time.
Rajaee arrived when we were having lunch. Honestly at first I did not recognize him and behaved politely, but cold because it was the time I was trying to solve my problem in workplace by using internet and mobile, but then I recognized him. He had cut his mustache. He was the president of Economy College and we had become familiar the previous time I was there. I do not know why I did not accept to smoke when they offered me cigarettes.
There was no special news till evening except getting a mandate which helped me to get my salary for the programs more easily and it costed 160 Turkish lire which equals 200 thousand tomans for me. There are complicated rules here for example the passport must be translated by a formal translator and then bureau work, and hot bureaus, and crowds ... the translator who was a very young and handsome person and I do not know why it seemed that he has controlled his laughter with difficulty told Sadtein that "there is no more trust between people and people have thronged to the bureaus and bureaucracy ...
And till evening I was thinking that there is no more trust between people ...
At night, AkramBourazan the animator of Yomurojoughchannel joined us and a royal table was arranged on which there was everything from meatballs to Lahmajun to Kebab ...
Our conversation was about my competition and the Saturday's election of Turkish cartoonists and I said that we must support Matin because MatinPeker was able to get money from the government and was a serious and had discipline. In fact in some emotional communities if this seriousness which some people call it dictatorship be absent, everybody will open his flag and there would be no advancement in a place where there is division. Dictatorship in artistic communities is a mercy.
Akram smiled at my talk and agreed with it, Sadettin was listening with wide open eyes. He talked about his last animations and showed them to us, then Sadettin talked about Boorsa and started to explain my jobs in details in a way that I was surprised; how much they have zoomed on my behavior. He described and analyzed a simple talk of me to a 5 year old daughter in such a stilted way and accolades like that my microscopy made me laugh.
ButAkram said that if I taught cartoon in my program there should only be silence, I told her "your animated characters are all dumb, you are worse" ... then we laughed a lot.
I worked with the internet until late at night. Our weeds must have dried in the rough and cruel snow of Tabriz ... Tabriz is sleeping quietly in the arms ofEynali and its dogs neither have the sorrow of the world in their heart nor have a calm place to sleep ...
Top: studio preparation
Bottom: the blue mosque of Boorsa