Jury Members Of The 32nd.International Biennial of Tolentino "BIUMOR"/Italy,2023

The jury is made up of president Michael Rocchetti, a cartoonist known by the pseudonym 'Maicol e Mirco'; Mara Amico, director of I. C. Lucatelli; Matteo Catani, Digital Art; Fabrizio Cotogno, caricaturist; Marco D'Agostino, caricaturist; Giorgio Leggi, graphic designer; Piero Massimo Macchini, comedian; Carla Sagretti, former director of the provincial school office; Daniele Taddei, collector and art critic; Mirella Valentini, director of UniTre Tolentino. Appointment on the afternoon of Thursday 23 November at the Politeama and on the evening of Friday 24 November at the Vaccaj Theater with the 2023 Tolentino Biennial of Humor in Art.


A record-breaking Biennial
2000 works and 741 artists
There are over two thousand works participating in the 32nd International Biennial of Humor in Art. In fact, 741 artists sent their works to Tolentino. Thus reaching the absolute record of all the participants of all the past editions.
A record that confirms the caliber of the competition, which is in all respects one of the most attended events in the Marche region worldwide. Artists present from all over the world. They are divided into 40 nationalities, and only about a third are Italian. Among the most represented countries, Iran, China, Romania, Serbia, Spain and Turkey stand out. An impressive and equally distributed participation. Authors arrived from all over who testify to a widespread diffusion that occurred thanks to social platforms and online communication which made it possible to reach artists in every part of the world and the massive sending of works confirmed the interest of the art world for a competition that never stops innovating.

The works will be analyzed on Wednesday 8 November, in the Mari room of Palazzo Sangallo in Tolentino where the prize jury will meet. The occasion is to decree the winner of the "International City of Tolentino Award", the "Luigi Mari Award", dedicated as usual to caricatural portraits and to highlight the "New Languages", the most innovative works of humour.