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A Call for Peace Through the Universal Language of Art
8th International Mail Art Peace Exhibition by theInternational Island Country Artists Group
"Peace at home, peace in the world."
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Art is a universal language that transcends borders, expressingthe shared emotions and values of humanity. Our culturaldifferences are not elements that separate us; on the contrary, they enrich our common human heritage. With thisunderstanding, the 8th International Mail Art Peace Exhibitionby the International Island Country Artists Group, themed“Peace,” aims to bring together artists from different cornersof the world and showcase the unifying power of art to theentire globe.
In our globalized world, cultural diversity and differentperspectives are the cornerstones of peaceful coexistence. Art embraces all differences and allows us to meet on commonground. This exhibition seeks to unite people around thethemes of peace, love, and tolerance through the universallanguage of art, reinforcing the hope for a more just andpeaceful world.
While artists interpret the universal meaning of peace fromtheir cultural perspectives in their works, viewers will have theopportunity to empathize with different cultures and develop a common understanding. With the participation of artists fromvarious geographies, the exhibition highlights how culturescan nourish and transform each other through art. Eachartwork carries a powerful message that peace is not just a concept but also a way of life.
Throughout history, art has been one of the most powerfulways to bring people together and express emotions. Thisexhibition aims to encourage cultural dialogue andunderstanding through art, replacing wars and conflicts withthe language of art. By sharing hopes for peace through theuniversal power of colors, lines, and images, it offers theworld a vision of a common future.
We believe that art is a crucial tool in building bridgesbetween cultures and paving the way for peace. We want toshow that peace is possible through the universal language of art and to inspire hope around the world. Together with ourfellow artists from different cultures, we invite everyone tojoin this meaningful exhibition and make the voice of peaceheard.
We eagerly await your illustrated letters for this special eventwhere art and cultural diversity converge.
Are you ready to change the world through art?
The world will be more beautiful with art because art is thecommon language, triumph, and miracle of those who put their hearts into it.
International Island Country Artists Group

Deadline Dates: 16 May 2025
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