The fastest cartoon news site in Iran


Erkan Çer
0 # Erkan Çer 2017-03-30 11:43
Dear Cartoonist,
I am an academician who specializes in children's literature and language teaching at Amasya University in Turkey. For years I am trying to make a book entitled "Teaching Turkish with Caricatures". I know you and your cartoons on this. I want to use your caricatures in my book. I applied the first Aydın Doğan Foundation for this. The foundation said that I had to get permission from you to use your caricatures in my book. I would like to use your cartoons to promote your caricatures in Turkey as well as putting the importance of cartoons in language teaching by asking for your permission. I am very happy if you can help me with this.
I wish you a good day
Sevgiler Erkan bey/bizden bagli olan sebeblere izin verilir.seve seve.
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