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Call Of 5th.Fartoon International Cartoon Exhibition/Portugal,2023

Entries for the 5th edition of Fartoon-
International Exhibition of Cartoons from
Faro are open until April 30,2023,
announced the Faro 1540-Assoiation for 
the Defense and Promotion of the
Environmental and Cultural Heritage of Faro,
which organizes the initiative.
The 5th edition of Fartoon under the theme
'Water a challenge for Humanity"
All national or foreign citizens can
participate,individuallly or in groups,with
free registration and simply filling out a
registration from and sending their work
(via CTT or e-mail) to the organization.
Each participant can compete with a
maximum of 3 works.The works will be
evaluated by a suitable jury composed of 5
The works selected by the jury will be on
display at an exhibition taking place in Faro
(in different locations),in June 2023,and it is
planned to be shown in other municipalities
in the Algarve.
The main objective is "to raise awareness
and awareness of the vital importance of
this natural resource and  to raise awareness
of the sustainability of the water cycle,from
its capture to its use,without forgetting its
treament and reuse". explains the Faro 1540.
It also intends to contribute to changing behaviors and consumption habits,
in order to promote a growing and collective water efficiency
with a view to preserving the water resource.
The awareness of society for the value of water in all its dimensions takes
on greater significance in the current context of hydrological drought
that Portugal is experiencing, possibly the worst of the last 100 years,
with almost all the country in severe or extreme drought. 
Climate change in recent years increases the probability and frequency
of drought episodes and also heat waves, particularly the Algarve and Alentejo regions.
The drought affecting Portugal is also a cause for concern in much of Europe
and in many countries around the world. By mid-July half of the Territory
of the European Union was at risk due to the prolonged drought,
which is expected to cause a decline in crop yields in several countries,
according to a report by the European Commission.
The growing problems of water scarcity and drought clearly indicate the
need for more rational and efficient water management is key to
overcoming the global water crisis we face and to ensuring quality
of life for our generation and for future ones.
It is about the future of the resource and the whole of humanity.,adds the association.
The contest rules can be consulted here,
additional information can be requested
from FARO 1540 BY e-mail:
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