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International Cartoon Contest "Rosatom" / Russia 2015

POSITION I hold an open competition cartoons State Corporation "Rosatom" "Rosatom 2015"
The organizer of the Competition I open the Organizer Cartoon Contest "Rosatom 2015" (hereinafter - Competition) is the primary trade union organization of FSUE "VNIITF" with the support of the state corporation "Rosatom" of the Russian Federation. Assistant organizer of the contest is the Ural club cartoonists "Cranberry" (Snezhinsk).
Competition Problem The aim of the contest is to promote the activities of trade union organizations of the State Corporation "Rosatom" State Corporation and as a whole.
Topics Contest 1 "Trade union rights!" Subject should disclose various aspects of the trade-union organization: improving the living standards of workers, protection of their rights and interests, improving working conditions and so on. N.
2 "Atomic Age" Subject should disclose the need to develop nuclear weapons to defend the country, describing the successes and achievements of the industry in the national economy.
The prize
On the subject of "trade union rights!" Adult Category: 1st place - 15 thousand rubles; 2nd place - 10 thousand rubles; 3rd place - 8000 rubles.
Children's category (up to 18): 1st place - 6000 rubles; 2nd place - 5000 rubles; 3rd place - 3000 rubles.
Audience Award: 3000 rubles. On the topic of "Nuclear Age" Adult Category: 1st place - 15 thousand rubles; 2nd place - 10 thousand rubles; 3rd place - 8000 rubles.
Children's category (up to 18): 1st place - 6000 rubles; 2nd place - 5000 rubles; 3rd place - 3000 rubles.
Audience Award: 3000 rubles.
Expiring Work on the competition will be accepted from 16 June to 30 July 2015 (inclusive). The results of the competition will be announced August 16, 2015.
General provisions The jury will be formed before July 1, 2015. List of the jury will be placed on the site July 1, 2015. The jury will include winners of the international competition for cartoons, and a representative of primary trade union organizations FSUE "VNIITF." All works submitted for the contest will be held preliminary qualifying round, in which the jury will assess the extent of the topic and the quality of execution, and the selected works will be posted on the competition website The jury reserves the right, without explanation not to allow work to participate in the Contest. In the case of obvious repetitions among the works submitted for the contest final selection rests with the caricature of the jury. The works will not be returned and will not be reviewed. Internet voting contest will be held on the site from July 1 to August 1, 2015. Working with the highest number of votes will be awarded the Audience Award. Details of the winner will be posted on the website August 16, 2015. The exhibition of the best works participating in the competition will be organized in Snezhinsk in the second half of August 2015 with subsequent placement in other closed cities.
Requirements for participation Participation in the competition can take anyone regardless of age, nationality and professionalism. Member, exhibition of works on competition, ensure that all elements of the works submitted for the contest (in any form) does not violate the rights of third parties, and are an original work of the participant. Submission to the contest confirms the consent of the participant to use his work in information activities. Organizer of the Contest without additional permits and conditions, without limitation, site use and without payment of remuneration has the right to use the work to be placed in non-commercial purposes in the media, Internet and advertising spaces (banners, billboards and so on . N.).
Requirements for works Work on the contest can be made in any color and any technique. Each participant may be accepted for the competition no more than five papers on each topic. Work on competition must be carried out on sheets of A4 paper (210x297 mm) or in electronic form in the format JPG, volume no more than 3 MB, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Work on the contest must be accompanied by the name, information about the author (name, age, brief biography, e-mail, postal address, telephone number), marked "Cartoon Contest" Rosatom 2015 ". Work on the contest should be sent to the following address: 456770 Russia, Chelyabinsk region, Snezhinsk, Victory Street, Building 40, Building 2, Apartment 119, or by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Contacts Issues related to the Contest, you can set Sergei V. Sokolov (home phone: 8 (35146) 74057, cell phone: 89226950783, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


News/ Walex Alexandrov

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