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Opening Exhibition Of The  "House of Humour and Satire"/Bulgaria 2015

Gabrovo jokes captured the Parliament on 22 July
The museum "House of Humour and Satire" will perform with his exhibition at the

National Assembly, which is dedicated to the 155- anniversary of Gabrovo town.

The exhibition opens on 22 July at 11.00 am in the Club of MPs.

The collection includes 15 paintings by Bulgarian artists presenting their own way Gabrovo humor.

Shown is a series of illustrations honorary citizen of Gabrovo Boris Dimovski,

along with selected them jokes and created a tapestry project entitled

"Adam and Eve - Gabrovo."Compelling mood gushes from the sails of Gabrovo

artists Mara Atanasova ("Carnival in Gabrovo"), Dragan Nemtsov ("Carnival" and "Racho Smith"),

Minu Bonev ("Curiosity") Yordanka Shiyakova ("Flowers and roses") Stefan Monev ("Nuclear cat").

Valchan Petrov is so eloquent that can long count what is encoded in the "parable",

and "Tumba-Columbus galls will no wedding" of Keazim Isinov will make the viewer

captures after a merry fairy tale.As an invaluable currency passing freely

all borders Gabrovo jokes spread the fame of the city and its residents,

attract friends, admirers, investors bear bold ideas.

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